What Is Shoe Last ? Why Last Is Important for Good Shoe Making ?
The fit of a shoe depends on the design, shape and volume of the Shoe Last.The shoe last must represent the anatomical information of the foot, at the same time giving the finished shoe a pleasing and fashionable appearance. Studies show over 90% of people have different sized feet and the individual foot has an infinite variation of morphology despite this lasts are made to match as a pair. The concept of a perfect fit is not a reality. The shoe is expected to wear well, feel well, keep its shape with wear, retain its style character, tread properly, allow for reasonable foot freedom, maintain both foot and shoe balance, remain structurally intact Chart showing the main parts of a " Shoe Last " Shoe last is the form that shoemakers use in shoe molding and it is the anatomical “copy” of our feet.Shoe last comes in different forms, shapes and are made from different materials. Shoe lasts are the basis of making quality shoes. Perfectl...